הקוצץ העליון כבל USB

הקוצץ העליון כבל USB


הקוצץ העליון כבל USB
cubeמשלוח חינם אחריות להחזר כספי ל-30 יום

If you’re not satisfied with a product, you’ll have 30 days from your order's delivery date to be eligible for a refund for the price of that product. Please reach out to us through our FAQ chatbot on our site (meridiangrooming.com) or in writing via customer@meridiangrooming.com within 30 days of the order’s delivery date, as indicated in its respective tracking number.

Please note: The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee refund does not include any shipping fees, customs fees, or any other additional fees. The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee is only eligible for first-time orders. Products received through giveaways are not eligible for the 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

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