Der Trimmer Premium

Der Trimmer Premium

$74.00 $66.60
963 Rezensionen

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
963 Reviews

Persönlicher Haartrimmer mit Keramikklingen und sanfter Gleitfähigkeit.

Color: ONYX
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Der Trimmer Premium Subscribe: $66.60 One time: $74.00
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Please note: The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee refund does not include any shipping fees, customs fees, or any other additional fees. The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee is only eligible for first-time orders. Products received through giveaways are not eligible for the 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

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  • Was ist das?

    Ein beliebter Bestseller der Community, der feines, grobes und lockiges Haar wie ein Profi rasiert, ohne schmerzhaftes Einschneiden und Ziepen. Mit den einzigartigen Keramikklingen des Trimmers kannst Du Dich von Rasurbrand und Pickeln verabschieden.

    Dieser Trimmer ist ein Allroundtalent für Achsel-, Bein- und Intimhaarentfernung, Bärte und alles, was dazwischen liegt.

    Er garantiert eine unglaublich gründliche Rasur, mit der Du Deine Körperbehaarung auf jede erdenkliche Art und Weise entfernen kannst.

    Unser originaler, wiederaufladbarer Trimmer ist die unverzichtbare Grundlage für jede Pflegeroutine.

  • Vorteile

    • Fühlen Sie sich frei, mit diesem wasserdichten Körperpflegegerät unter der Dusche oder sogar bei einem Regenguss zu trimmen (hey, wir urteilen nicht).

    • Erhalten Sie 90 Minuten Trimmzeit, bevor Sie es wieder aufladen.

    • Genießen Sie sanftes, sicheres Trimmen von Ihren Gesichtszügen bis zu Ihren Intimbereichen

    • Erleben Sie die Selbstpflege ohne Kerben, Zerren oder Schnitte.

    • Integrierte Reiseverriegelungsfunktion für sorgenfreie Strahleinstellung und Verwendung unterwegs.

    • Weltweit kompatibles USB-C-Ladekabel

  • Was ist in der Box?

    • Der Trimmer

    • 1 austauschbare Keramikklinge

    • 2 verstellbare Führungskämme (3-6mm, 9-12mm)

    • Reinigungsbürste

    • USB-Ladegerät

Oft mit gekauft

Die Skins


Customize your grooming game with the first-ever Trimmer Skins. Trimmer Not Included. Compatible with The Trimmer Premium & Trimmer Original


Erstellen Sie noch heute Ihren perfekten Plan und sichern Sie sich unglaubliche Ersparnisse. Mehr hinzufügen, mehr sparen!


Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Where can I use the Trimmer on my body?

    Our signature personal Trimmer is designed to be safely used anywhere on the body to create your desired look.
    You can trim your arms, groom your legs, spruce up below the belt … the only limit you could have is your imagination.

  • Will the Trimmer irritate my skin?

    Nope! The Trimmer features a high-quality ceramic blade that is safer and gentler on the skin than a traditional body hair removal tool.

  • What hairstyles can I create with the Trimmer?

    We’ll just say this: there are no rules.
    You can go bare, buzzed, or bushy - Meridian is a safe space disentangled from judgment and outside pressure.
    Plus, the Trimmer comes with two adjustable guide combs so you can play around with the length of your hair, anywhere.

  • Do I need to replace the blades?

    Yes! Personal grooming is best done with a sharp blade.
    In order to maintain safe, precision-grade trimming - we recommend that you replace your blades every 3 - 4 months depending on usage.


  • female putting on guard on trimmer

    Wählen Sie einen Führungskamm für Ihre bevorzugte Länge und schieben Sie ihn auf den Pflegekopf.

  • female hand holding waterproof body hair trimmer

    Sie können auf nasser oder trockener Haut trimmen, stellen Sie einfach sicher, dass Sie den Zielbereich mit Wasser und Seife waschen, um die Haut zu reinigen und die Haare zu erweichen.

  • female trimming hair in groin area with Meridian trimmer

    Schneiden Sie mit der flachen Seite nach unten und parallel zu Ihrer Haut. Ziehen Sie die Haut straff, um Schnitte und Kratzer zu vermeiden.

  • Für einen engen Schnitt entfernen Sie den Führungskamm. Wenn Sie sich gründlich rasieren möchten, verwenden Sie den Trimmer vor dem Rasieren.


Trimmer vergleichen

Keine Schnitte, keine Kratzer

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Keine eingewachsenen Haare

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Aufladen über USB C

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Verstellbarer Schutz

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Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
Based on 963 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 746 Total 4 star reviews: 144 Total 3 star reviews: 50 Total 2 star reviews: 9 Total 1 star reviews: 14
93%would recommend this product
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963 reviews
  • E
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 weeks ago
    5 Stars

    Trimmer is great

  • A
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 weeks ago
    5 Stars

    Rapid delivery. Fair price. Product works well without knicks and cuts.

  • LB
    Lylah B. C.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Age 25 to 34
    Gender Female
    Grooming Needs Buzz
    Where do you use this product? Pubic Area, Underarms, Legs
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    So smooth!

    I’m officially obsessed. It’s so easy to use, I don’t worry about accidentally cutting myself anymore! If you run your finger along the blade when it’s not on, you can feel just how smooth it is! I love the colours they come in, I chose the sunlight yellow one which is so bright and fun! I also found that it is noticeably more quiet compared to other buzzers I have had. The ergonomics of it make it easy to hold at any angle, and the matte finish makes it almost buttery smooth to the touch.

    MG Profile picture for Meridian Grooming
    Meridian Grooming
    3 weeks ago

    Hi Lylah,

    Thank you for leaving a review.

    We're thrilled to hear that you're finding our Trimmer Premium safe and easy to use, and we're especially glad you're enjoying the smooth blade design. We're happy that you chose the "Solar" color and appreciate your feedback about its quiet operation and ergonomic design.

    Thank you for giving Meridian a try!

    Team Meridian

  • EP
    Erin P.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Age 25 to 34
    Gender Female
    Grooming Needs Buzz
    Where do you use this product? Underarms
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    Worth the price

    I love this trimmer. Easy to use, sleek, works very well.

    MG Profile picture for Meridian Grooming
    Meridian Grooming
    3 weeks ago

    Hi Erin,

    Thank you for leaving a review.

    We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying your Trimmer Premium. It's wonderful to know that you've found it to be both easy to use and effective.

    Thank you for giving Meridian a try!

    Team Meridian

  • LJ
    Lindsay J.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Age 25 to 34
    Gender Female
    Grooming Needs Buzz
    Where do you use this product? Underarms, Pubic Area, Legs
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    Why did I wait this long?

    I don't usually write reviews, but felt I needed to for this trimmer. I have very coarse hair and have struggled for years with razor burn, particularly around my bikini line. It was extremely uncomfortable and really affected my confidence. I finally pulled the trigger on buying this and what a difference it has made. Quick, painless, no pulling or knicks, and absolutely no razor burn. I am so happy I bought this.

    MG Profile picture for Meridian Grooming
    Meridian Grooming
    3 weeks ago

    Hi Lindsay,

    Thank you for leaving a review.

    We're thrilled to hear about your experience with the Trimmer Premium. It's wonderful to know that you've found a solution to your grooming challenges, particularly with coarse hair and sensitive skin. We're especially pleased that you're enjoying comfortable, painless trimming without the razor burn, pulling, or nicks you experienced before.

    Thank you for giving Meridian a try!

    Team Meridian